Here's a few WIPs for my Whaler-piece I just posted.
It started with this out of the blue-sketch. I showed it to my mentor who thought I should start over and search a bit more for a better composition.
He suggested I make it wider to sell the "epicness" of the shot rather than constraining it like previously. Experimented with having more than one sailor in the shot.
I ended up copying the original sailour and expanding on the shot with more perspective and environmental detail to sell that they were sailing way up north. Then it was time to do some variation sketches:
After that, it was sketching time. This was the sketch before I started painting. You can see that one of our gentleman got changed pretty significantly. Thought it looked a bit too boring to have two onlookers doing nothing.
Hope you enjoyed viewing my process like I enjoyed painting it for you. Im pleased with the results and it gave me some insight on things I need to work on to improve my paintings.
See you around!